
Unified Court.Unique Team.

With the increasing complexity of national proceedings and the entry into force of the Unified Patent Court (UPC), meet one of the most powerful european taskforce dedicated to your patent litigation.

A unique synergy between Lawyers & Patent Attorneys resulting from 30 years of collaboration.

For more than 30 years, Gide and Regimbeau have built on a common requirement, based on the shared perspective of Lawyers and Patent Attorneys. Sharing a first-rate experience in our respective practices, our privileged collaboration is taking on a new dimension with the creation of the Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation alliance.

Through this partnership, we bring together Lawyers specialised in patent litigation and Patent Attorneys, covering all technical fields, to provide our clients with an increasingly integrated service of very high quality, covering all aspects of French and European (UPC) patent litigation.

Proceedings before the UPC, which has its central division in Paris, will be significantly faster than before national courts. Given the legal and commercial stakes, only large and tightly integrated teams can rise to the challenge. This is precisely the purpose of the Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation alliance.


The essence of our alliance lies in our expertise in all components of patent litigation, both national and pan-European, in order to efficiently manage all types of proceedings, in particular before the central division and before the various local or regional divisions of the Unified Patent Court, within the very short timeframes governing proceedings before this new jurisdiction.


In addition to its technical nature, our alliance allows for the simplification of your patent litigation, through a one-stop shop providing you with the best Lawyers and Patent Attorneys, who have been working together for years, available quickly and in accordance with your requirements.


In keeping with our one-stop-shop approach, our alliance ensures that each case is handled in an integrated manner, in total synergy, thanks to the historical relationship between our teams, which are used to working together.


Our joint practice covers all patent litigation and all patent-related matters requiring strong Lawyer-Attorney synergy (SPC, anti-trust, IP due diligence, etc.).

In close proximity to the Unified Patent Court.

Based in Paris, our offices allow us to be as close as possible to the Central Division of the Unified Patent Court and its local French division. As a result, we are able to coordinate all of our offices and networks in France, Europe and internationally, in order to handle your litigation efficiently, wherever you are and wherever the dispute arises.

Our latest news

Press Release - 7 June 2024

Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation: A historic first oral hearing on the merits before the Paris Central Division (UPC) in the Meril Italy S.r.l. v. Edwards Lifesciences Corporation case

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Press Release - 5 June 2024

Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation: The definition of “party” in Meril Italy S.r.l. v Edwards Lifesciences Corporation case of the Paris Central Division issued on 13 November 2023 is one of JUVE Patent’s top 5 most influential cases since the UPC came into force

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Press Release - 18 April 2024

Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation team receives two awards at Managing IP’s EMEA Awards 2024 ceremony

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Press Release - 4 April 2024

Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation: Speaker at the conference organized by the AAPI, ASPI and CNCPI in April 2024 on the UPC’s essential platform: the CMS (Case Management System), a new interface with which practitioners need to become familiar with

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Press Release - 23 March 2024

Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation: holding of the interim conference in the Meril Italy S.r.l. / Edwards case before the Judge-rapporteur of the Paris Central Division (UPC)

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Event - 15 December 2023

“UPC: early insights” – AAPI & ASPI round table

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Press Release - 14 November 2023

Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation: victory for Meril Italy S.r.l. in the first decision handed down by the Paris Central Division of the UPC following the Preliminary Objection raised by Edwards Lifesciences Corporation

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Case study - 27 October 2023

Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation pioneer before the UPC

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Press Release - 20 October 2023

Les Echos : Interview with Frédéric Nouel

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Case study - 27 June 2023

First success for the partnership in the Bristol-Myers Squibb – Teva case

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Press Release - 25 May 2023

Gide and Regimbeau, two leading French patent litigation firms, join forces in creating a ground-breaking partnership, Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation.

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Press Release

Gide x Regimbeau – Patent Litigation: six months after the entry into force of the UPC, feedback from French actors involved in the first cases before the UPC at a conference organized by the AAPI and ASPI in December 2023

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Press Release

Gide X Regimbeau – Patent Litigation: an exclusive interview for Interfimo

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